Every business has exposures and risks that threaten its viability. Lyman & Sheets has more than a century of experience defining risk and recommending specific coverage that fits both your business and your budget.
Including: Excavators • General Contractors • Masonry • Mechanical • Steel Erection
Construction contractors have substantial needs for many types of insurance coverage. The most important are liability coverage for their completed operations, premises liability coverage during construction operations at job sites and professional or design errors and omissions insurance. The interests of the contractor and of the property owner must be evaluated, understood and made clear, in addition to completely understanding the contractual obligations assumed by the contractor. Property and inland marine coverage for expensive mobile equipment, supplies and other tools of the trade must be adequate, and protection for motor vehicles and employees must also be arranged.
Casual & Artisan
Including: Excavators • General Contractors • Masonry • Mechanical • Steel Erection
This classification includes some of the more common and most needed servicing contractors, ranging from plumbers and electricians to various other service and repair operations. Physical damage coverage for tools, supplies and equipment, both on and off the contractor’s premises, is a concern. Liability exposure at the premises of the contractor and at the premises of the contractor’s customer must be properly addressed. In most cases, auto insurance is very important, as is workers’ compensation insurance protection for employees.
Coverage Applicable: Liability, Property, Loss of Income, Equipment Breakdown, Contractor’s Equipment, Commercial Auto, Umbrella, Employment Practices Liability, Crime Coverage, Workers’ Compensation, Life & Health Coverage, Environmental Coverage