Every business has exposures and risks that threaten its viability. Lyman & Sheets has more than a century of experience defining risk and recommending specific coverage that fits both your business and your budget.
Government, Institutions and Utilities
Including: Museums • Stadiums • Libraries • Fairs • Electric Utilities
Cooperative efforts between insurance professionals and public officials have led to the satisfactory arrangement of coverage for public properties that may include large building schedules and values spread over a number of locations and geographic areas. On the other hand, liability insurance protection is a matter of much greater concern. As governmental and charitable institutional immunity continues to erode, the recent onslaught of lawsuits makes adequate liability protection essential. Public utilities have unique insurance needs, usually best handled by specialists in the field. Because some government entities are involved in so many different activities, they may require coverage that, at first glance, may not seem appropriate for them.
Coverage Applicable: Liability, Property, Fine Arts Coverage, Valuable Papers & Records Coverage, Loss of Income, Equipment Breakdown, Commercial Auto, Umbrella, Employment Practices Liability, Directors & Officers Coverage, Crime Coverage, Workers’ Compensation, Life & Health Coverage, Professional Liability